Dome Control

ACP includes automatic dome control that can work with any ASCOM-compatible dome system. Currently, this includes the Technical Innovations HomeDome and ProDome, any dome that is controlled with Diffraction Limited's MaxDome, including the Sirius family of domes, and the Meridian Controls dome controller, which supports several types of domes. ASCOM drivers are being developed for other enclosures.



ACP hides the details of dome control, making dome usage easy. The dome is automatically slaved to the telescope position, and it will slew directly to its final location on a telescope slew, even if there is a meridian flip! When combined with ACP's Weather Safety feature, the dome can automatically be closed if the weather becomes unsafe or unusable for observing. It can also be automatically homed and/or opened on ACP startup.

ACP does have a built-in dome control panel that displays annunciator lights for dome state and allows opening, closing, parking and homing the dome. When using the latter two controls, slaving is automatically disabled.

dome controller